Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Beatriz Lorca

Tamaño perfecto, se adhiere muy bien a la boca y te permite respirar sin problema. La verdad es que no da sensación de agobio, estoy encantada con el producto.

Juan Pascual

Lo recibí la semana pasada y no paso una sola noche sin ponérmelo. Pega muy bien y dura toda la noche sin despegarse.
Es una maravilla!

John G.

It really works! It keeps my mouth closed all night- and the best part is that I don’t even notice that I’m wearing it!

Gerry B.

Keeps my mouth shut comfortably and doesn't grab the facial hair too much. The benefits of keeping my mouth shut have been immense.

Katy M.

Ok, yes it looks weird, but when I tell you I wake up so rested it's amazing. I was a religious coffee drinker, but since my hostage tape and mask I don't even need coffee in the morning and if I do have some I don't even finish a cup..I love love love my tape🥰


S.U.A.T. TAPE is generally safe. Do not use S.U.A.T. TAPE if you have trouble breathing through your nose. Do not use if you are obese (BMI over 35), Do not use if you have very low blood pressure. Do not use if you have severe heart or breathing problems, or if you have a cold, sinus, or ear infection. Do not use if you have severely chapped lips or non-intact skin immediately around the mouth, or after consuming alcohol or sedatives. Seriously don't do it.